Hidden Helpers Among the Leaves
ACCESS resources help researchers at Chico State University determine how leaf-dwelling fungi impact the environment and the carbon cycle.
ACCESS resources help researchers at Chico State University determine how leaf-dwelling fungi impact the environment and the carbon cycle.
Computing resources at UC San Diego used to expand training with ChemCompute.
Results could inform designs for efficient heat management in engineering.
Researchers from the University of Puerto Rico use their ACCESS allocation on Expanse to help design a better offshore wind turbine.
Penn State researchers use their ACCESS allocation with Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center to discover 20 new nanoparticle structures.
Southern Oregon University student shares use of Jetstream2 with peers.
ACCESS resources help researchers at Purdue find better ways to administer monoclonal antibody treatments.
Maryland researchers use HPC resources from the Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center (PSC) and Johns Hopkins University (JHU) to advance agriculture dashboard.
Students at City University of New York use Purdue’s supercomputer, Anvil, to train AI how to detect propaganda and opinion in the daily news.
Researchers use Stampede3 to study the impacts of climate change on Alaskan forest pests.