ACCESS Announces New External Advisory Board Members
2025 EAB members will bring a wealth of knowledge to help guide ACCESS’s Executive Council.
2025 EAB members will bring a wealth of knowledge to help guide ACCESS’s Executive Council.
Students, both undergraduate and graduate, are invited to apply for the 2025 STEP program that begins this summer.
A study co-led by student researcher uses ACCESS-allocated resources to develop a biotech algorithm that could speed up drug research.
Apply by January 31 to enroll in a one-of-a-kind ACCESS RP-sponsored HPC summer school for grad students interested in learning more about including cyberinfrastructure in their research.
Researchers from the University of Puerto Rico use their ACCESS allocation on Expanse to help design a better offshore wind turbine.
Penn State researchers use their ACCESS allocation with Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center to discover 20 new nanoparticle structures.
How one student’s journey with ACCESS transformed his career.
ACCESS has been recognized by the HPCwire community for supporting AI research.
A glimpse at the XDMoD data analytics framework student project.