Will you be at SC23? This year, the large supercomputing conference known as SC will be held in Denver, from Sunday, November 12 to Friday, November 17, at the Colorado Convention Center. ACCESS will have a booth at the conference, and our team will be presenting at several events. Here is a list of all the ACCESS-affiliated content at SC23:
ACCESS at Booth 219
You can find a map of the exhibits here. This year, ACCESS will be a part of the SC23 Student Scavenger Hunt, so if you have a Scavenger Hunt passport card,…hope you answer our clue correctly so we can award your sticker! In addition, ACCESS will be hosting its ACCESS the Experts series on Tuesday, with a high concentration of experts and Principal Investigators (PIs) for each of the service teams on hand to answer questions (full schedule below). ACCESS will continue to have a booth full of experts throughout the duration of the conference who can answer your questions.
We’ll also have some goodies for visitors to the booth to take home. Stay hydrated at Denver’s high altitude with a very packable foldable water bottle. We’ll have stickers and a booklet highlighting just a few of the many accomplishments and science highlights enabled by ACCESS over the past year.
Finally, Booth 219 isn’t the only place where you can learn more about ACCESS. ACCESS Resource Providers will also be at SC23, and their booths have exciting events planned as well. Here’s a list of ACCESS Resource Provider booth locations:

Booth #609

Booth #417

Booth #503

Booth #1203

Booth #1319

Booth #1525

Booth #1363

Booth #3201

Booth #1494

Booth #1246
Check out the ACCESS at SC23 schedule below to see what ACCESS-sponsored events are happening throughout the conference. The list includes workshops, seminars, BoF, ACCESS booth events and highlights of some of the events at the various Resource Providers and Service Team booths:
Jump directly to Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday‘s events.
Monday 11/13 (Exhibitors only)
⫸ Booth Events
Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center (PSC)
Booth #1203
Ecosystem for Research Networking Demo
- Our presentation will discuss the project’s current democratized CryoEM remote instrument federated access design and implementation efforts that leverage Open OnDemand, containers, Cryo-SPARClive, FABRIC infrastructure, instrument edge processing with “cloudlets,” and extended analysis leveraging Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center’s Bridges-2. This will include a live demonstration of an experiment workflow utilizing a transmission electron microscope(TEM) located at the Rutgers CryoEM and Nanoimaging Center(RCNF) through a FABRIC node cloudlet with edge computing and extended analysis using Bridges-2.
8 – 9 PM
Rocky Mountain Advanced Computing Consortium (RMACC)
Booth 2215
Staff Present for Questions
- ACCESS Support PI Shelley Knuth will be available to answer questions on ACCESS!
10 – 11 AM
Tuesday 11/14
BOF: Open OnDemand User Group Meeting
12:15 – 1:15 PM, Room 605
- This BoF is meant to be an open discussion to guide the future roadmap for Open OnDemand (openondemand.org), by getting feedback from the community on the prioritization of the various tasks planned for the next few years. OOD is extremely relevant to ongoing discussions within the HPC community about user interfaces and science gateways. The session leaders, all part of the OOD development team, will jointly develop the content for the presentation in advance to ensure a wide range of viewpoints and topics are presented. We will also consult with our user advisory group in advance for their suggestions.
BOF: The Future of NSF-Supported Advanced Cyberinfrastructure
5:15 – 6:45 PM, Room 205-207
- The National Science Foundation’s vision and investment plans for cyberinfrastructure (CI) are designed to address the evolving needs of the science and engineering research community. Senior leadership and program staff from NSF’s Office of Advanced Cyberinfrastructure (OAC) will discuss OAC’s vision, strategic and national priorities, as well as the latest funding opportunities across all aspects of the research cyberinfrastructure ecosystem. Substantial time will be devoted to Q&A between attendees and NSF staff.
⫸ Booth Events
Booth 219
Campus Champions Reception
- We’ll be hosting Campus Champion at the booth this year. This event is a campus champion and ACCESS program coordinated effort to provide you all with a unique opportunity to collaborate and network with Campus Champions and ACCESS team members in a friendly, relaxed environment.
10 – 11 AM
ACCESS the Experts
- Come visit the ACCESS booth to speak with experts from the various service teams. Light refreshments will be provided.
- Stephen Deems (Allocations), Tom Maiden (Operations) and Allana Romanella (Support)
10 – 11 AM - Shawn Strande (ACO) and Dave Hart (Allocations)
11 AM – 12 PM - Ken Hackworth (Allocations)
12 – 1 PM - Leslie Froeschl (Operations)
1 – 2 PM - Laura Herriott (Allocations) and Dave Hudak (Support)
2 – 3 PM - Shelley Knuth (Support)
3 – 4 PM - Tom Gulbransen (ACCESS Program Officer)
4 – 5 PM - Tim Boerner (Operations)
5 – 6 PM
- Stephen Deems (Allocations), Tom Maiden (Operations) and Allana Romanella (Support)
San Diego Supercomputing Center (SDSC)
Booth 1319
Science enabled by SDSC’s Expanse/PATh Supercomputer
- Robert Sinkovits, Director of Education
3 – 3:30 PM
Open OnDemand
Booth 503
Booth Presentations
- Open OnDemand and Globus
10:30 – 11 AM - TAMU ACES OnDemand
4 – 4:30 PM
Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center (PSC)
Booth 1203
Ecosystem for Research Networking Demo
- For description, see Monday’s entry above.
10:15 – 10:45 AM and 3 – 3:30 PM
Purdue University
Booth 1525
Booth Presentation
- Amanda Hassenplug will present on the Anvil Summer REU Program “Forging the Future of HPC: The Anvil REU Program”
1:30 – 2:15 PM
Booth 1686
Booth Presentations
- Introduction to XDMoD (Metrics on Demand)
2 – 2:30 PM - XDMoD Data Analytics Framework
3 – 3:30 PM
Wednesday 11/15
BOF: Community Engagement on NSF Learning and Workforce Development Programs to Democratize Cyberinfrastructure Access
5:15 – 6:45 PM, Room 403-404
- The National Science Foundation’s Office of Advanced Cyberinfrastructure (OAC) supports the development and provisioning of state-of-the-art cyberinfrastructure resources, including HPC systems, tools, and services essential to the advancement of science and engineering. A critical vision and investment plan of OAC is to support inclusive and sustainable workforce development that will lead to transformative research leveraging such cyberinfrastructure. We seek to engage with the community and institutions to obtain feedback on preparing a workforce to address the evolving needs of research communities, including facilitating the invention and usage of CI, promoting democratized access, and fostering sustainable CI ecosystems.
⫸ Booth Events
Booth 219
Campus Champions Reception
- This event is a campus champion and ACCESS program coordinated effort to provide you all with a unique opportunity to collaborate and network with Campus Champions and ACCESS team members in a friendly, relaxed environment.
10 – 11 AM
University of Kentucky
Booth 1246
NSF ACCESS Support Team – Q&A Session
- ACCESS Support personnel will be available at this one-on-one Q&A session to offer users the opportunity to engage in a tailored, focused dialogue, to ask questions, and receive expert guidance on a wide range of ACCESS-related topics, ensuring that their specific issues and concerns are addressed. During this session, participants will be able to speak with an ACCESS Support staff professional, who will listen to their queries, troubleshoot problems, and provide guidance customized to their needs.
10:30 – 11:30 AM
Open OnDemand
Booth 503
Booth Presentations
- Open OnDemand Overview and Demo
11:30 AM – 12 PM - Project Eureka – Integrating Open OnDemand, iRODS and OmniScheduler
12:30 – 1 PM - Open OnDemand 10th Anniversary celebration
3 – 4 PM
Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center (PSC)
Booth 1203
Ecosystem for Research Networking Demo
- For description, see Monday’s entry above.
10:15 – 10:45 AM and 3 – 3:30 PM
Backyard party
- Join PSC for a fun afternoon of games, networking and drinks in our booth at SC23!
4 – 6 PM
Purdue University
Booth 1525
Booth Presentations
- Purdue RCAC Executive Director Preston Smith, will present “Adventures in Communicating the Value of CI Investment”
1:30 – 2:15 PM - Carol Song, Purdue RCAC’s chief scientist, will present “Powering Cyberinfrastructure Innovations at Purdue with HPC and RSE”
2:30 – 3:15 PM
Booth 1686
- Introduction to XDMoD (Metrics on Demand)
11 – 11:30 AM
Thursday 11/16
BOF: ACCESS Resource Provider Forum
12:15 PM – 1:15 PM, Room 405-406-407
- In this session, the ACCESS Resource providers (RP) will give an overview of the available resources and their unique characteristics. Those resources are open to a broad audience of computational researchers. Individuals can apply for allocations by submitting a request to ACCESS. Once this request is approved, they can exchange their awarded service units for resources at one or several of the providers (e.g. node hours, GPU hours, storage). The presentations in this BOF will highlight the variety of available resources and will be followed by a discussion with the community, allowing the audience to directly interact with the RPS. You can submit questions about the RPs here prior to the event.
⫸ Booth Events
Massachusetts Green High Performance Computing Center (MGHPCC)
Booth 263
NSF ACCESS Support Team – Q&A Session
- ACCESS Support personnel will be available at this one-on-one Q&A session to offer users the opportunity to engage in a tailored, focused dialogue, to ask questions, and receive expert guidance on a wide range of ACCESS-related topics, ensuring that their specific issues and concerns are addressed. During this session, participants will be able to speak with an ACCESS Support staff professional, who will listen to their queries, troubleshoot problems, and provide guidance customized to their needs.
10:30 AM – 11:30 AM
Open OnDemand
Booth 503
Booth Presentations
- Open OnDemand Overview and Demo
10:30 AM – 11 AM
Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center (PSC)
Booth 1203
Ecosystem for Research Networking Demo
- For description, see Monday’s entry above.
10:15 AM – 10:45 AM