The Ways of Water
Researchers from UC San Diego study water phases with the help of ACCESS resources at NCSA and SDSC
Researchers from UC San Diego study water phases with the help of ACCESS resources at NCSA and SDSC
With the help of ACCESS resource Expanse, researchers at the University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign have been studying how to create some of the tiniest motors ever invented with inspiration from biological systems like DNA.
ACCESS resource Stampede2 helps researchers trace the path of electrons
With the aid of ACCESS resource Bridges-2, researchers were able to clean up bird observation data to optimize it for AI training.
Some scientists have recently studied perovskites because of their material properties that can be used in things such as solar cells. A team of researchers from Ames National Laboratory and the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zürich – along with a talented undergraduate – used the powerful HPC resource at the San Diego Supercomputer Center for their study.
Engineering scholars from Johns Hopkins University used Expanse at the San Diego Supercomputer Center at UC San Diego to create simulations to model the friction between two rough surfaces coated with fatty acids.
Researchers at Cornell University help illuminate the future of wind energy in North America.
A team of computational chemists from Carnegie Mellon University ran simulations on an Anton 2 supercomputer and the Bridges-2 system at PSC to reveal insights about a protein that plays a role in epileptic seizures.
With the help of Purdue’s Anvil supercomputer, Yale researchers are trying to find ways to improve lithium batteries.
A team from Carnegie Mellon University and the Santa Fe Institute compared data from more than 400 world religions in a unique way by applying landscape metaphors – peaks and valleys – to examine functional patterns of worship and belief. Their approach using the Bridges-2 system revealed how some religions persist or change and others die out.